Emergence Volume 1: Introduction

Emergence Vol 1 - Introduction by Rosemary Wilkie

This eye-opening book shows why people think the way they do, why some are so difficult to deal with, and why they disagree with each other so much. It also throws light on the great changes happening in the world. It is a simple introduction to Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi), based on the work of Professor Clare Graves. For decades it has been successfully employed around the globe creating and implementing solutions to social conflicts and business problems.

SDi shows that human nature is not fixed. It evolves. The way people think depends on their life conditions, as we can see from watching children’s thinking develop as they grow up. And we have the in-built capacity to think in new more complex ways when our life conditions change. Organisations, nations and civilisations evolve in exactly the same way.

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How to buy Emergence Volume 1: Introduction

Emergence is available from Amazon in paperback for £6.95
The ebook is for sale on Amazon.com and round the world for the equivalent of $2.99.

Emergence Vol 1 is now available in French.


A lively introduction to Spiral Dynamics Integral. The Beacon

A well written work which remains engaging from first page to last. Mensa Magazine

A clear view of Spiral Dymnamics
Emergence Vol 1 sets out in clear language the practical side of Spiral Dynamics, a social science of human individuality as formulated by Clare W Graves. Rosemary Wilkie sets out to place Spiral Dynamics in the real world and show how all sorts of people are at different development stages in their lives. This is the introduction, so I look forward to Volume 2
. Chatto on Amazon.co.uk

Wonderful simple and mercifully short intro to Spiral Dynamics
This ebook is the perfect introduction to Spiral Dynamics Integral – one of the most interesting, powerful and useful concepts I’ve ever come across.
Tomnixon on Amazon.co.uk

User Friendly – Great introduction to Spiral Dynamics
This is a really accessible and user-friendly introduction to the powerful Spiral Dynamics. I would recommend this to anyone interested in Spiral Dynamics and the concept of human emergence. Strongly recommended.
Tess on Amazon.co.uk

Spiral Dynamics – now I get it!
I’ve been waiting for such a well-written and engaging insight into Spiral Dynamics for years. A very enjoyable and informative book, easy to read but hard to put down!
Iain on Amazon.co.uk

Elegant and simple introduction to Spiral Dynamics
There is so much depth to Spiral Dynamics that it is difficult to know where to stop when explaining it to people. This book does an excellent job without drowning you in detail. I am looking forward to reading Vol 2. A Capel on Amazon.co.uk

A great introduction
I thought this was a great introduction to the understanding of Spiral Dynamics especially for a layman like me. I have read about it before but this book gave me explanations that cleared up my confusion between the first tier levels. The author gave some great examples about how multiple levels are in play in recent problems around the world. Dave on Amazon.com

Vol 2 please!
Nice layout of his ideas, definitely looking forward to further books on the subject. If you have a interest in psychology, tribes, society or how groups think and can evolve then this could be a starting point. Chapter 4 “Where are we now” would be a great book on it’s own if expanded on with the SDi view. LawAbidingCitizen on Amazon.com

Good basic intro to Spiral Dynamics
This is a good basic introduction to spiral dynamics . The memes are described in simple straightforward language that make them easy to understand both in oneself and in society. mickeybrown eyes on Amazon.com